Alpine Sports Day!
Grades 4-7 enjoyed a beautiful day on the Whitewater ski hill! Students snowboarded and skied down the slippery slopes after a lesson...
Alpine Sports Day!
What's New in Grade 2! Yaqan Nukiy Culture Weeks
Show and Tell and Shadow Puppets in Grade 1
What's New in Grade 2! - February 2
Visit to Wynnwood Mill
What's New in Grade 2: January 20
Grade 2: First Week Back!
Mail from Deutschland
Cardboard Boat Races
Just Dance...for DPA!
Dear Harry Potter...
The start of something thunderous!
Splatter Painting in the Workshop
Ice Skating with the Kindies!
Family Games Night at YNS
Grade 6/7's Visit the Yaqan Nukiy Cenotaph for Remembrance Day
Grade 2: Week of Nov. 7 Highlights
Grade 2: Halloween and Exploring Patterns