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Ktunaxa Language and Culture

Yaqan Nukiy School offers students a unique, culturally informed learning experience. From lessons in the Ktunaxa language to hands-on cultural activities, like canoe-making, our school is at the forefront of cultural reconciliation and knowledge sharing.


On this page, you will find a sampling of the Ktunaxa Language - including Words of the Week and cultural projects.


For more information on the Ktunaxa language visit the First Voices website.

Words of the Week - January

ʔuwukin - stand up

Ê”a·kÇ‚u titqatÌ“ - snowman

n̓aǂtukǂiʔitni - it is slippery

k̓isqat̓uk - cold water

kaȼa·kati - gray

ʔisaknun - sit down

wanuyitnamu - winter

mitxaǂiʔtit - to shoot off a gun

k̓ikȼinikiǂ - shovel

hu ȼxaǂ yakxaxumuniyamnaǂani - we will share

Ê”a·kÌ“ayuka - hat

qaǂa kinʔin_ - who are you_

ktamuxu - darkness

kamnuqǂu - white

ȼ̓ikan - come

Ê”a·kÇ‚u watÌ“kum - snowball

namnuqǂuni... - ... is white

kmitxaǂtitnam - New Year's Day

kaqȼ̓iʔmuǂ - skates

hu skikiǂ ʔitkini... - I am making...

ʔaǂtukǂiʔit - for a place or ground to be slippery

ktÌ“isu·kakani·muÇ‚ - scarf

kiʔsuk kyukyit k̓ukunmakut - Happy New Year

haqwiǂin - dance

ȼ̓inan - go

Words of the Week - February

nupqu/nipqu – bear

Ê”a·kiÇ‚wi·nam – heart

qsamunaÇ‚am – to help one another

suknikitnamu – happiness

nuÊ”kiy – groundhog

k̓ituq̓ǂiǂqaǂ - letter

q̓uȼikisqǂiǂ - to flirty eyes

ktÌ“amuxu – to drum

kȼǂakiÇ‚amnam – love

qunaÇ‚wi· - to be lovesick

haÇ‚qukÌ“aÇ‚maxa – to kiss someone

ʔak̓ - arrow

Ç‚ana – come here

Ê”itwisqan – stop

qanaxamin … - put on ….

Ç‚a Ê”itkinin – do it again/ fix it again

hu ȼǂakiÇ‚ni… - I like …

Ê”a·kiÇ‚wiynam Ê”a·kinmititis – Valentine’s Day

hu ȼxaÇ‚ qanaxamÌ“ni … - I am going to put on …

kinȼ Ê”aqaqna? – what are you going to do?

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